How To Make Money With Google Adsense Complete Guide 2017

Google Adsense is biggest online earning platform for bloggers, i'm about to share with you a complete guide to related to google adsense so if you are a beginner you don't know much about google adsense don't worry because by the end of this post you will have a clear understanding of what exactly is google adsense how you can use it and Stalin and website and start doing money so let's get started,
ok so let's talk about google adsense what exactly is this well this is a program that of course belongs to google and wants to have an account with google adsense you can easily integrate advertisement inside of your youtube videos. just like this is a retirement that you can see over here are inside of your website so once you you put google adsense inside of your website you have this step of banners appearing either in your header section
of her website in your side more section and you can put in several places of your website and in this one I'm not going to detail about YouTube how you can use google accents in youtube. case instead of your WordPress website ok how you how you actually make money with google adsense there are two ways when your visitors see your batters and they click on your batters you receive a small person of money and of course Google receives the greater part of the money from someone clicking in your advertisement the other way is by impression that means that some when someone sees this is retirement you receive a small amount of money.
 so what are the benefits of using google adsense and why should even use it well if you are starting on the internet you most likely don't have any kind of copywriting skills you don't know how to create us and get sales page that actually influences people to buying your products that you probably don't know
how to use paying an advertisement inside of facebook twitter google and so on then google adsense is really one of the easiest way possible for you to start doing money on the internet even if it's just a few dollars each month each month I mean it's something that motivates you to continue because you you see that it's possible for you to do some money on the internet
on the contrary if you had a website and you spent months and months just writing content you probably even had a few products in your website but you don't see any kind of money don't see any kind of cells and you might most likely will quit the internet so google adsense is one of the easiest place for you to start doing some money on the internet now there's a con to this there's a con to using google
adsense is this is not the quick money scheme ok you cannot expect to start using this in your website and over 90 start doing a lot of money first there is no quick math to start a Millie doing a lot of money on the internet has some people believe that you just need to have this the system where you basically just click on the on button and money starts flying to your
bank account that doesn't exist and google adsense is something that it starts doing more and more money in the long term if you start doing more money by having a lot of traffic going to your website or to your YouTube videos and this is something that takes time if you want to increase the amount of money that you do with google adsense is set for website that you need to learn how to search
and optimize your website properly and I'm not going to you in detail but this in this video once again if you want to learn more about SEO click on the link that you can see on the screen so you can watch my other video and where I help you obtain better rankings inside of Google search engine and therefore receive more traffic before you decide to create a google adsense account there are a few
things that are important for you to know the first one is you need to at least be 18 years old so you can open an account with them the second thing is your website cannot be related to tobacco products and this also includes electronic cigarettes drugs alcohol or adult content adult content can be for example a website where you offer a dating service or dating tips for men or for women back in
of content Google simply doesn't upset and if you want to learn more about this then i recommend for you to check the description from this video click on the link that you can see over there so you can read more in detail the information that they have in their own page the other thing is for you to activate an account with google you need to at least have ten dollars in your account and sure you need to do this money by
through advertisement the other thing is for you to receive your first payment or any payment from google you need to have a total balance of one hundred dollars for you to create a google adsense account first you want to go to Google search engine want to type in google adsense and you will see that it's the first website that a person this listing
you want to enter and you go to this page where you want to press sign up now and if you will still don't have a google account then you need to create one by clicking on this button over here and then you need to create an account and you need to feel this information with your name your email or password and all of this information and press next step
you read a policy page will appear which you need to accept and you will need to activate your google account once you have that you need to crew you need to connect your google account to your adsense account ok so once that is done you just sign in and i'm going to send him with this account and then you go to the second step where you need to put your website so you want to put over here your website then you want to select a
language that your content is in my case it's English and then you just want to press Continue then you need to feel all of this information with country or tutor or territory territory time zone account type you want to choose between individual if you are the owner of the website or there is a business behind it then you choose business
my case is just individual then you want to put your name over here your street address the your town your postal code your phone number and then how did you do you find google adsense you want to choose one of these options then you just want to feel in the disinformation and sent email preferences depending on your preferences
you just choose the options that you want and then you just press submit my application so you can get a google adsense account once the answer in your google adsense account you are taking to your home page where you can find some useful information for example you can see on it's estimated earnings you can see the money that you did today yes sir they lost seven days ago for 28 days ago
you can also see finalized earnings your current balance this is the amount of money that you currently have inside of pure google adsense account and if you are receiving your your money in a monthly basis then after you receive your money your balance will go to 0 once again then you can see your most recent payment this is the money that you just received to your to your bank account because you have actually two
options when it comes to this you can receive a direct transfer to your bank account if you want you can receive a paper check so this is really up to your preferences but where you want to go immediately is you want to go to the top section and you want to click on my hat once you get to this page you will see your page completely blank compared to
mine and the reason why you you can see all of these differences because already installed a plug in my wordpress website and all of the sets were automatically generated anyway if you want to create a custom at what you need to do a simple click on this button which says new ad units then you want to choose a name for your hat
so i'm going to call this process cereals test that then you want to choose the hat size so you have several options over here if you want a resident or banner you can choose this option and you can even do a previously we can get a better idea of how exactly this will look like also you in this case is choosing
I have all of the recommended sizes but effort for example i want to see all of the horizontal banners I can choose this option and all of the horizontal banners banners will be displayed same thing with vertical and we're gonna decide that I like to use for my website since i have a wordpress website and it's a responsive website that means
that my website will automatically adjust to any kind of smaller device screens such as mobiles cell phones and so on I like to use the responsive size because of that because nowadays a lot of people use mobiles a lot of people use cell phones to go to websites then you want to choose the halfpipe
so you have three options over here you can choose the test and display ads display ads only our test hats only so it's really up to you what you want and then you can choose the Hat style so you can choose the design of that and this really depends on the design that you have in your website if you want to have a banner that adjusts to better to your website design then you can choose one of the three main layouts that behalf
once you once you choose one of this styles you can see that you get a previous you can get a better idea of how exactly looks like you can also create a custom one by simply select selecting copy and edit and the first thing that you want to choose is a style name so let's call this the test style
now you can choose the different colors that you want for your ad such as brother that's a test title I'm just in this really fast doesn't look great and you can even choose the fount that you want inside of your at once you have your I created you need just depressed safe and it will save the style that you created
also you have custom channels which is not that it is important at the moment what you want to do is simply get this coat ok when it comes to putting your ads inside of your website there are two different ways i'm going to explain the first one which is simply grabbing the code that provides 24 you and simply integrating inside of your website and this might be
because more complicated if you are starting out so i'm going to explain also the second way which is just installing a plug-in in your website and buy it sounds plug-in you can choose the different parts that you want to display your ads instead of four website so let's start by talking about the first met that you can use so I'm just going to press seven gate code
now what you want to do is simply copy this piece of coding but you can see over here all of this coating which might seem a bit complicated but you just want to copy it then you want to go to your website so in this case processed cereals once you get your website you want to login to your dashboard and from your
dashboard you want to go to appearance anyone to choose widgets now they which is it that you want to use you can insert the Hat sense coding is this one this test widget which you simply want to drag and drop to the widget area that you want to display your at so once you do that you can also put in the further footer section if you have that widget area available once you do that
you just paste that piece of coding in this blank spacing and just press save now once i get to my website once i get to my website you will see that i have all of this yellow area we're living on my ad will appear and this might be I mean until your advertisement that appears in this section may take a few hours it might take even a a week until a google authorizes the advertisement in set up
your website so you just really have to be patient until your retirement starts appearing in cider for website so this is the first option to to actually insert the cutting in center for website now let's go to option number two get the second option is by installing a plug-in insider for website this method i find easier because it's easier for
you to pretty much put the advertisement anywhere that you want instead of four website you can put it easily inside of your header section in the sidebar if your website even inside of your content so it's more easy for you to customize the sections that you want to display your advertisement and you don't need to edit the coating that you have in your website and so on so if you are beginning i really recommend for you to choose this option so you need to go to
the vegetable once again because we are going to install a plug-in for this you go to the plugin city area and you just click on having you and you just search for adsense so you just search for Adsense and the plugin that you want to install is this one google adsense so if you want to remember the details you just click on this link so you can get a bit more information of both
what exactly is this plug-in and you just press install know and activate the plug-in in your website so once that is done what you need to do is you need to go to settings and you will see that you have you have a new section called a lot since appearing over here which you just need to click on once you get to this section you need to connect your google account to this
plugin for you to do that it just press on the get started button then you need two choose the account where you have your google adsense and then you are redirected once again to your website you will see a few options now appearing and once again this is under settings you have this tab which is called Adsense now the thing that you probably will need to do if you still haven't done is
verify your website with google webmaster tools so if you don't have that you will see over here a sign saying that you don't have this very five and you just need to click on manage site and fold the nest next directions so you are able to verify your your website ok so once that is done what you want to do is press on manage hats and as you
can see I already actually use this plugin before I'm just doing this has a month demonstration and you can see that your account is waiting for approval that means that once you integrate your your advertisement inside of your website it might take a while interior until their website gets approved by adsense and your
advertisement starts appearance so this is important for you to notice now just press on manage at this is my deck just a few seconds until it analyzes your site because it will find the places where you can integrate your the advertisement inside of your website okay got it now when it comes to ads the the maximum that you can put when it comes to this
type of banners is three inside of your website now you can see that i have one in the header section actually I can click on previously i can get a better idea of how it looks like so this will be the other advertisements that will appear inside of my website once i click on preview and I can go back to design if you want to remove this banner
you just need to press on this this cross so you can remove it as you can see and once again if you want to display that you just press on this plus side and you can see that it automatically puts a advertisement in this case in the header section of my website once again you can put it inside of your side more if you want that in my case I don't have it because you need to first insert a widget a test widget in the
sidebar section of your website so if you want to put an advertisement in two separate section of your website don't forget to put a test which it over there and once you do that you will see one of this small plus signs appearing on the sidebar section of your website so using this plug-in as you can see it's really easy for you to display the advertisement in the exact place in the exact places that you want to put them
and typically i like to put in the other section of my website in the sidebar section of my website and also on the footer section of my website those are the three places that I think deeply like to put my ads I'm just going to leave this one over here once again you can do a preview so you can get a better idea of how they will look like so i have this one on the top section and for some reason this one is
not being displayed anyway this is the front page of your website so this is the front page of your website but you can choose also how you want to display your hats in different parts of your website for example inside of your posts you just select single post and it's pretty much the same thing but in this case inside of your posts you can choose where you want to place them
we can even put inside of your content which is something that I typically don't like to do it you can also choose insider pages instead of your category paid inside of your category pages if you want to put ads in this section and once you have everything that you want you just need to press save and activate this will save all of the changes and
you just need to press done now everything is sad and then you have everything that you need basically what you need to do now is just wait until your advertisement gets approved by Google and later on your the retirement will start appearing in center for website and it will start doing some money by the people clicking your advertisement or the number of impressions that you get.
ok so that is all but google adsense by now you have a great understanding of how you can use it and also make money with google adsense.


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